Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's over

I can't believe Spring break is over. Every year I start the break with so many plans. I have a list of things to get done and then before I know it the weak is over and my list has no check marks. I was a tiny bit productive though. I ...

...hosted a wonderful easter brunch
...visited the expanding Valencia bunch in Orange county
...painted our bedroom (took forever but I love it)
...graded about 20 papers (only 70 to go...eeek)
...trained my puppies to not attack Lucy
...had lunch with Hil
...went to a Dodger Game
...stole a fire pit (story for later)
...booked a trip for the summer. Puerto Rico, here we come :)
...took walks, and ate, and drank, and just enjoyed the feeling of freedom from work

But now it is back to the grind, I am surrounded by papers and my intention was to turn on the computer to type up lesson plans, but in one final attempt to procrastinate and put my work off, I blog. Goodbye spring break

1 comment:

Robin Krill said...

I want to see pictures of the newly painted room! Puerto fun. Good luck with the papers - I have a bunch as well and can't bring myself to even look at them.