Saturday, February 19, 2011

No more single ladies

I can't believe that it has already been three weeks, but three weeks ago at this time I was dancing the night away at my sister's wedding. Yes, the third and final Guevara girl has taken a new name. It could not have been a more perfect day. It was emotional and so much FUN!!!! I am just sad that I have no more sisters to marry off. I love them so much, and I am so excitied for the next chapter in all of our relationships as husband and wives, and sisters!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

9 months old

It almost pains me to say that my buba is nine months old. It is so crazy. He went to the doctor today and everything is perfect. He does have an unusually large head, but he is his father's son, so it was to be expected. He measured in at 22.9 pounds and 30 inches. He is also doing many new things. He says mama, dada, dog, and ball. He is also waving a lot and starting to blow kisses.

AND finally, finally, he got his first tooth!!!! One day shy of nine months it broke through. He is more than I could ever imagine and hope for, and I can't wait to see what he does next.