Monday, April 27, 2009


I truly feel that breakfast is an important meal but I am usually running out of the door so fast in the morning that I don't have enough time to really sit down and eat a good one. I will grab something as I leave. So this morning I was finishing getting dressed for work and I thought that I smelled eggs cooking. I figured it was my imagination since I get up when it is still dark and everyone else is still snug in their beds. I turned to dart out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and out the door when I noticed that chris wasn't in bed. I rushed down the stair and there he was finishing up on a great breakfast for me. He woke up two hours ealry, mysteriously snuck out of bed and down the stairs, and made me breakfast and packed my lunch for the day. It was a wonderful Monday morning treat! Not a bad way to start the week :)


Kate said...

What a fabulous husband! That is a great way to start Monday morning! :)

Jessica said...

Aw. What a sweet husband.

Joanna said...

Awww, very sweet indeed. He gets major points for that!

Lindsay said...

I know! It is amazing how something so simple can just make your day!