Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Around the house

I can't believe that we have been living in our house for almost 7 months now. I really can't believe how fast the time has gone! Lately we have been trying to add a few things. The uptairs is still pretty empty, but we have enjoyed slowly adding touches to fill up the house. Here are some of the recent purchases:

New Patio Furniture in use on easter. It is a loveseat two chairs and a table. It has currently been serving as a very expensice chew toy for the doggies! Any tips on how to keep them from eating it?

Our new fire pit. This wasn't so much a purchase as an item we aquired from our neighbors. They moved and left it behind, so Ruff and Chris jumped over the fence and took it :) I know, such a great example for my impressionable students.

Lastly, over spring break I painted out room. It is a really pretty blue/green color and is so relaxing. I feel like these pictures do not really show the true color. I am not the best painter but I think I did a pretty good job. Next up is a patio cover. Chris and my dad are going to build it so I will probably have a picture of the finished project in about a year :)

Monday, April 27, 2009


I truly feel that breakfast is an important meal but I am usually running out of the door so fast in the morning that I don't have enough time to really sit down and eat a good one. I will grab something as I leave. So this morning I was finishing getting dressed for work and I thought that I smelled eggs cooking. I figured it was my imagination since I get up when it is still dark and everyone else is still snug in their beds. I turned to dart out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and out the door when I noticed that chris wasn't in bed. I rushed down the stair and there he was finishing up on a great breakfast for me. He woke up two hours ealry, mysteriously snuck out of bed and down the stairs, and made me breakfast and packed my lunch for the day. It was a wonderful Monday morning treat! Not a bad way to start the week :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How rude!

For the most part my classes are very well-behaved. They are very respectful and I like to think that I run a classroom with a pretty good ratio of business and fun. As good as they are when I am there, the transformation that occurs when a substitute is there is unbelievable. I had a half day training today. My sub showed up at 11 but i did not need to be at the district office until 12 so I used my extra time to run around campus and get a bunch of errands done. I was almost done with my errands when the bell after third period rang. About 10 minutes into forth period I was ready to leave and as I walked across the campus I saw half of my forth period just walking around! They should have been in my class and they were just walking around! What! They did not see me so I walked up behind them and stearnly said "I am headed to my classroom. You better beat me there!"

OH MY GOODNESS! You should have seen the fear in there eyes. :) I went back to my class and gave them a piece of my mind. I understand that "when the cat's away.." but I cannot stand when good respectful students forget who they are and take advantage of a sub. I am sure that the sub is not innocent either but I was just so dissapointed in my students.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I am so happy...

...my best friend is having a baby right now!

Zachary was born at 12:30 am April 21st! Yippee!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's over

I can't believe Spring break is over. Every year I start the break with so many plans. I have a list of things to get done and then before I know it the weak is over and my list has no check marks. I was a tiny bit productive though. I ...

...hosted a wonderful easter brunch
...visited the expanding Valencia bunch in Orange county
...painted our bedroom (took forever but I love it)
...graded about 20 papers (only 70 to go...eeek)
...trained my puppies to not attack Lucy
...had lunch with Hil
...went to a Dodger Game
...stole a fire pit (story for later)
...booked a trip for the summer. Puerto Rico, here we come :)
...took walks, and ate, and drank, and just enjoyed the feeling of freedom from work

But now it is back to the grind, I am surrounded by papers and my intention was to turn on the computer to type up lesson plans, but in one final attempt to procrastinate and put my work off, I blog. Goodbye spring break

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I love tax day!!!

Three years ago on Saturday, April 15th Chris proposed to me on the beach. It seems like yesterday, and since then tax day has held a special place in my heart! :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Introduction to Lucy

My parents just got a puppy so last night was going to be the official introduction of Lucy to Charlie and Dodger. Wow, was that a disaster. Our dogs are so friendly. We take them to the dog park all of the time and they love running around with the other dogs. They have never growled or lunged at, or snapped at another dog. Well not until last night. As soon as Charlie saw Lucy he was in full attack mode. He would not calm down and I had to take him home he was so bad. It was really vicious!!!! My mom said that maybe he was being territorial because he has been at my parents house so much he may feel like it's his. I don't know what it was but it was scary. Are there any dog experts with some advice. How do we get charlie to not want to eat Lucy?

How could such a cute puppy be so mean?

Friday, April 3, 2009


The bell just rang and it is officailly the weekend, and a busy one at that! Tomorrow we are celebrating Keely's birthday with dinner and dancing in Ventura, and Sunday I am hopefully meeting up with some friends after I run a 5K. The 5K is still on hold. It depends on how crazy the birthday celebrating goes. Don't you like my priorities :) But first, coffee with Jo, if I can get these crazy kids out of my room. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fool's- not as fun as it seem's

I am usually not a prakster, but this year I thought I would play a joke on my AVID class. I had this group of kids last year, I also have them this year, and I will follow with them in the 11th and 12th grade as well. It is really a special class. So Chris and I decided that I would tell them that we were moving and that I would not be their teacher anymore. I thought it was harmless enough. Some would probably jump for joy, while others would be shocked. I had no idea I would get the reaction that I did.
So at the begining of class I made my emotional announcement (I love acting, and I was pretty good when I told them). They were silent. One boy shouted out that it was a joke and in a choked up voice I told him, "I wish it was." He responded with a shocked and sadened face.
I do not know why I thought this would be funny because it was so sad. Four girls in class started crying, while others remained silent and stunned! When I told them April Fool's a few started laughing while the others yelled at me becuase I am so mean. That is the last prank I am pulling. I guess it is nice to know that they love me. I am now preparing for their retaliation :)