Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Teacher of the Year

What a joke! Recently my high school sponsored our anual awards banquet. It is actually a really great event. Teachers and administrators nominate students and teachers in a bunch of different categories and then we all vote. One of the categories is teacher of the year. Apparently, to become teacher of the year at my school you have to give out hugs instead of teach. Apparently, to be teacher of the year you have to allow students to put on make-up and straighten their hair in class. Aparently, you have to talk up yourself but actually follow through with nothing. Apparently, this school values slackers and gives hard working teachers pink slips. Everything is so political, and it is really sad that teachers that bust their back, take on extra responsibilities, and pull the weight of others are looked over. I personally do not care about the award, but so many wonderful teachers were nominated and did not get the recognition that they deserve. Robin if you are reading this, take a wild guess who won :)

1 comment:

Robin Krill said...

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.