Wednesday, November 19, 2008


As you may have noticed, it has been a while since I have been able to contribute to my blob, the main reason being work. I have been so busy lately that even the enjoyable things in my life have felt dampened because of the level of exhaustion I am at lately. I do like my work, and a lot of the times love it, but i wish that I was rewarded for doing a good job. Most of the time I am satisfied with knowing that I did well, but why is it so hard for someone to tell you, "job well done." In my profession (teaching) we work tirelessly, and do not get paid for the endless amounts of hours we spend outside of our classroom planning, grading, coaching, tutoring, mentoring, the list goes on. I helped to plan an event last Saturday, which was a huge success, but did not earn a dime for it, and then when credit was being given, I was completely looked over. I guess it doesn't help that I work with an insane blowhard that likes to make himself look wonderful! If he could some how figure out a way to take credit for the creation of the universe he would. The point is that I did a good job and sometimes you just need to feel like someone noticed.


Robin Krill said...

Ahhhh...MHS and your favorite co-worker. Without even being in the same state I can say with confidence that you deserved the credit for the event and he probably did nothing but make it even harder...and yet the silly "big shots" acknowledge him. I am sorry. I know you work hard and you are a WONDERFUL teacher (and so much more) to those kids.

Lindsay said...

Thanks! It is getting pretty unbearable though. I am not sure what to do.