Thursday, July 26, 2012


Hello, my name is Lindsay and I am addicted to facebook.  Although there is not a lot of research on facebook addiction yet, according to an article on, an American psycologist states that "FAD", or Facebook Addiction Disorder, is a condition that is defined by hours spent on Facebook, so much time in fact that the healthy balance of the individual’s life is affected. It has been said that approximately 350 million people are suffering from the disorder."
 I wouldn't say that the healthy balance of my life was completly affected but I did have a few emotional encounters that caused me to abandon facebook for two weeks (oh my, two weeks!  How did you survive?) and only return with a few rules. 

1. No Facebook on my phone.  The constant buzz on my phone was begining to be too much.  Do I really need to take a break from playing with my kids to check a message.  No!

2. No Facebook everyday.  We are voyuers by nature, but why must I keep updated on the goings on of people lives that I have not seen in years.  I don't!

3. No Facebook stalking.  Okay, so I am not that bad but I have been known to track down some info on facebook.  It all started when I accidentlly caught someone in a lie on facebook.  They told me one thing and then facebook confirmed the contrary.  Ever since then, I have been known to check up on people every now and then.  Am I really admitting this?  I am not sick, I promise.

Well there it is.  My new rules.  If I feel it getting out of control again, I might have to permanatly leave and replace the addiction with another, like Pinterest or something.  Yeah, that sounds healthy :)

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