Monday, May 25, 2009

Another Year!

I can't believe that I am about to finish my forth year of teaching! It is really crazy to think about. I am really lucky to love my job so much. It is never ending, and tiring, and I complain all of the time, but I do love it. I get excited about so many aspects of my job, and I still get so inspired. I think about how I can do things better, and just the other night I had to get out of bed and jot down ideas for next year. Chris thought I was crazy and lets face it, I thought I was a little crazy too, but so many times I get ideas and I don't write them down. If I don't they are gone. I really am consumed by my job for 10 months out of the year. I think about it all of the time, and for example, I spent today, my lovely memorial day, locked in my house grading and getting ready for the end of the year. Most of all, the reason I love it so much is because of the students. I really believe that no teacher has better students than me. They are amazing and they are the reason that I continue to work my butt off. Most of the time they take me for granted, and it is rare that I get a thank you, but when it happens, it is amazing. On Friday I got a letter from one of my former students and one paragraph stated:

" Everyday last year you offered your classroom for us at lunch. With open arms you offered extra help and always hoped for the best out of your students. In your class you always encouraged us to help one another. Because of your class I realized how much I love debating. I have always hated the idea of public speaking but your class offered me a comfort zone in which I could easily get up in front of the class and speak without feeling uncomfortable. For you great teaching efforts and positive attitude, I want to thank you."

That makes all the work worth while!


Kate said...

Reading that made me cry a little bit. Your students are so lucky to have you as a teacher!

Robin Krill said...

I ditto everything that student are a selfless and loving teacher and though it is a thankless job most of the time you continue to work hard and give everything you have to those students. I vote you teacher of the year (especially over other winners)

Lindsay said...

:) Thanks robin