Monday, May 11, 2009

What's wrong with crying

I am a very emotional person and I cry quite a bit. I don't think it is excessive and it is not just from sadness. I cry for a lot of reasons: when I am happy, sad, proud, I see a good commercial, Chris does something sweet. I just can't control the waterworks. I suppose it is not just crying though. I react in various emotional ways to all sorts of news. Chris says this is why people enjoy telling me things; they always know they will get a proper enthusiastic reaction from me! But anyway, I guess I bring this up because it was an emotional and busy weekend and I was a big old cry baby :)

Thursday: Cried during Grey's Anatomy because it was sad! I do not know how you could have a heart and not cry during that episode!

Friday: I cried when a student cried. Too much to get in to.

Saturday: I cried when I left Kate's house. I just felt so overwhelming happy to meet Zach. I don't know how to explain it. It was just a lot.

Saturday night I felt like crying when Chris and I chaperoned Prom. Partly because I felt so old, partly because i wanted to leave so bad, and partly because Chris looked so hot in his tux :)

Sunday: Mother's Day. I wrote my mom a poem and she got really emotional so I lost it. I guess the whole day was pretty emotional because I want to be part of the club that gets to celebrate it. Am I a mommy if I have puppies? :)

But anyway, some people may laugh at me or think I am a wreck but I see nothing wrong with it. It is a good thing too, because I don't think I could control the tears if I tried :)

1 comment:

Kate said...

I'm right there with you, Linds! I've never understood people who just don't cry. Just another reason why we're such good friends/ :)