Thursday, May 28, 2009

Better with age

I just finished this really big portfolio that is due tomorrow and I can not sleep so I thought I would share some hilariousness. Chris and I chaperoned Prom a couple of weeks ago and all of the teachers are allowed to take a picture and get a copy for free. Now being at prom with Chris at our age is pretty funny because I actually took him to my high school prom when I was a senior. So I decided to do a little picture comparison. Oh my goodness!

HOW FUNNY IS THAT! I must say that the saying is true. We have only gotten better with age :) Click on it to see it large, in all it's glory :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Another Year!

I can't believe that I am about to finish my forth year of teaching! It is really crazy to think about. I am really lucky to love my job so much. It is never ending, and tiring, and I complain all of the time, but I do love it. I get excited about so many aspects of my job, and I still get so inspired. I think about how I can do things better, and just the other night I had to get out of bed and jot down ideas for next year. Chris thought I was crazy and lets face it, I thought I was a little crazy too, but so many times I get ideas and I don't write them down. If I don't they are gone. I really am consumed by my job for 10 months out of the year. I think about it all of the time, and for example, I spent today, my lovely memorial day, locked in my house grading and getting ready for the end of the year. Most of all, the reason I love it so much is because of the students. I really believe that no teacher has better students than me. They are amazing and they are the reason that I continue to work my butt off. Most of the time they take me for granted, and it is rare that I get a thank you, but when it happens, it is amazing. On Friday I got a letter from one of my former students and one paragraph stated:

" Everyday last year you offered your classroom for us at lunch. With open arms you offered extra help and always hoped for the best out of your students. In your class you always encouraged us to help one another. Because of your class I realized how much I love debating. I have always hated the idea of public speaking but your class offered me a comfort zone in which I could easily get up in front of the class and speak without feeling uncomfortable. For you great teaching efforts and positive attitude, I want to thank you."

That makes all the work worth while!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

My old man :)


You are my world and I am so happy you were born :)


me :)

Still Searching for a win

I started my second season of indoor soccer and I am loving it! We are not doing the best record wise and continue to search for our first win :( I did forgot how much I love this sport though, and I continue to impress myself with how well I am getting my big but around the field :) I guess I have been doing well because another team noticed and approached me last night about playing on their team as well. I was so flattered! I took the team name and proceeded to the office to sign up but there are a ton of different leagues that play on that feild so I went back to the lady to ask which league she is in. What she said next should not offend me so much but she said "Oh, we're in the over 30 league." The over 30 league! I told her I was 27 and could not play and she slightly apologized for the mistake. Ok, so I know I am not that far away, and I know that it is not the end of the world to be 30, but I want to hang on to my 20's as long as I can. Over 3o league!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Today my school had another lockdown because there was a bear roaming near campus! A bear! As I have said before, "Never boring."

Monday, May 11, 2009

What's wrong with crying

I am a very emotional person and I cry quite a bit. I don't think it is excessive and it is not just from sadness. I cry for a lot of reasons: when I am happy, sad, proud, I see a good commercial, Chris does something sweet. I just can't control the waterworks. I suppose it is not just crying though. I react in various emotional ways to all sorts of news. Chris says this is why people enjoy telling me things; they always know they will get a proper enthusiastic reaction from me! But anyway, I guess I bring this up because it was an emotional and busy weekend and I was a big old cry baby :)

Thursday: Cried during Grey's Anatomy because it was sad! I do not know how you could have a heart and not cry during that episode!

Friday: I cried when a student cried. Too much to get in to.

Saturday: I cried when I left Kate's house. I just felt so overwhelming happy to meet Zach. I don't know how to explain it. It was just a lot.

Saturday night I felt like crying when Chris and I chaperoned Prom. Partly because I felt so old, partly because i wanted to leave so bad, and partly because Chris looked so hot in his tux :)

Sunday: Mother's Day. I wrote my mom a poem and she got really emotional so I lost it. I guess the whole day was pretty emotional because I want to be part of the club that gets to celebrate it. Am I a mommy if I have puppies? :)

But anyway, some people may laugh at me or think I am a wreck but I see nothing wrong with it. It is a good thing too, because I don't think I could control the tears if I tried :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My new favorite Zach

Up until two weeks ago my favorite Zach was Zack Morris (Saved By the Bell) :) but not anymore. I met the handsome Zach McGrath yesterday and it was amazing. He is beautiful just like his parents and I can not wait to love him and spoil him, like a good Auntie should :) I love you guys!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A life without music...

...would suck! One thing that I love about vacation is letting loose and dancing! I feel like I don't dance enough and I definitely had an opportunity to on the ship. There was this one lounge with a live band that was my favorite. They played everything and there were always some interesting characters in there. My favorite guy was the one below.

He was a maniac! You can't really tell from this picture but he was letting loose, and it was so much fun to watch. He didn't care what anyone thought, and you could just tell that he was having the time of his life. Everyone in my family loves to dance and we had a great time letting loose together.

We have also become Karaoke fanatics as of late, so when we spotted a place to sing on Catalina we took advantage. Chris, Keely, and I sang "Love Shack" and Chris, Joey and Johnny brought the house down with "Friends in Low Places". The place went crazy for them!
This was their number one fan below. He kept telling me, "You know these guys? Wow! You know these guys?" And then he would scream like a maniac!It was such a great time!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Family in the open sea!

This past weekend the entire family took a cruise to Catalina. We were supposed to go to Mexico but the swine flu caused a detour. It was so special because it is really hard to coordinate 8 peoples schedules. We all have such different jobs. I wake up at 5 a.m. and whitney gets off work at 12 a.m. Keely, Whitney and Johnny are all working and going to school. There is a lot of crazy different stuff going on but somehow we were all able to get the time off and just have some fun together. It was a special trip and I hope we are all able to do it again soon. Fun cruise stories to come. I am too lazy right now :)