Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Make an appointment baby

I always thought that when I got pregnant I would finally slow down for a little bit. I have always been an extremely busy person between work and school and family and friends. But who isn't, really? I feel like everyone I know is moving a million miles an hour. But because of that, I have had to have a serious talk with the baby lately. It goes a little something like this: "Okay baby. My last day of work is Friday and I doubt you are coming that early so I think we are okay there. But I have a project for my Master's program next Monday so please stop with the heartburn so I can get some sleep and you absolutely can not be born that early. I have to present this project. You can't come on April 24th because Grandma will be out of town, and come to think of it, you really need to wait until after May 3rd, because that is when my last final is. So anytime after May 3rd is okay. Well let me take that back. You can't come late either. Summer school session for my Master's starts May 26, so you need to be here before then, and Auntie Keely's wedding is May 30 and I would like you to be at least a couple of weeks old by then. Okay, so that leaves you from May 4th until May 14th. Anytime between the 4th and the fourteenth is okay. Well come to think of it, I would like to have a little extra time to shed some pounds before the wedding so how about we make the deadline a few days earlier. Anytime between the 4th and the 10th. Yeah, the 4th and the 10th. That should work."

I know he can hear me in there, so we will see what happens :)

100th post


Joanna said...

Haha, I love it. Future Pompey: you have been warned! :-)

Kate said...

Too funny! I hope he listens to his mommy!! I have been thinking about you every day and am so exited for you to be finished with school - not that you will be less busy, but at least it is one less stress!

Jessica said...

Good luck with that!

Jennifer Briggs said...

LOL!! Good Luck, I told you the 7th would be a good day.