... I will be leaving my house. Yes the plan is to leave at 6:15 tomorrow morning so I am awake and ready for the first day of school. This means that my lovely alarm will start its buzzing at 5 am. I will undoubtedly beat it up a few times before surrendering.
I must say, that for the day before school starts, I am surprisingly zen. There is just no point in worrying. In 13 hours those darlings will enter my classroom whether I stress tonight or not. I have to say, that this is probably the most excited I have been to start school in awhile. I like my schedule, I can't wait to see my students, and I feel like I know what I am doing.
Now this is most surprising, because this year will be such a year of firsts. The first huge and not exciting first is that for the first time I will be welcoming 38 students into my first period class tomorrow morning. 38!!!! That is a lot of 15 and 16 year old bodies.
But I am ready, and I am excited to do what I love and what I am good at. Let the games begin :)
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