Sunday, January 18, 2009

Yes Man

Last night Chris and I went to a Birthday party, and at first I really didn't want to go. The first reason was that I wasn't going to know anyone there except the host. Usually I am very social and can talk to others even if I do not know them, but the thought of doing that last night was not exciting for me. My second reason was that I have become a lazy, slipper wearing, don't-want-to-put-on-any-make-up homebody. A night on the couch with my husband and the puppies is wonderful. Lastly, I didn't want to go because I felt guilty. It has only been a week since my miscarriage, and I guess I feel like I shouldn't have any fun. I am, of course still very sad, and while I know I need to do things, move on, and have fun, the idea of going to a party and drinking felt selfish and sad. Anyway, the point of the story is that I went, and I had SO much fun, and it was exactly what I needed. Even though I was pouting and giving Chris the silent treatment because he was dragging me out the door, his dragging me was exactly what needed to happen. If he hadn't, I would not have had the great night, where I met wonderful new people and even, unexpectedly, ran into old friends I had not seen in years.
I recently saw the new Jim Carey movie Yes Man, and it has inspired me. I am a NO Man. I say no all of the time to opportunities and invitations, and I was ready to do it again last night. I need to start saying yes more, so I am going to conduct Jim Carey's movie experiment. I am saying yes. While I know it is not smart to just say yes to everything, as the movie so comically points out, I need to be more open so I do not miss out on fun things like last night. I am saying yes, so if you need any favors, ask now :)


Robin Krill said...

Come visit us in Portland!

Lindsay said...


Dani said...

Want to plan lunch with the sisters?