...my husband
five days off :)
Cool Ranch Doritos
French fries
Food in general :)
A beautiful home
sweet puppies that run to me when I get home
a job that pays me (and that I kinda like:)
and a wonderful and healthy family and beautiful friends.
Have a Great Thanksgiving and eat a lot!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A good day...but
Today was a good day. My students were attentative and some even made me laugh. The day was productive and I didn't even have to yell. It was much better than some other days I have had latley. My sixth period can be pretty challenging and a day after school last week I just broke down. I am so emotional and I really care about what I do, but I sometimes wonder why I am doing it when I can be abused by students. I know some of them have problems and don't know how to deal with me. Everyone is entitled to a bad day. But I have a couple of students that are just outright rude. I don't deserve to work a million hours a week, try so hard, and then half to deal with rude jerks.
My AVID class has been talking about their lifes path latley. Where we are headed, and if there is a path that we have to follow. We have been watching video interviews from people that have taken these amazing paths is life. They had no fear and did what made them happy. So far, I have done that, but what will I do when this path does not make me happy anymore. Truthfully, I am not sure that I would do anything. Changing a carreer seems like such a scary thing. I mean we have a mortgage, we need steady income, what else would I do. I am not saying that teaching doesn't make me happy anymore, but on those really demanding days I feel like at some point it won't be what I want to do anymore. What then? I mean, ideally, my next job would be Mom but I can't wait forever for that to happen. What then?
We talked about having a life plan, and I think that it is a good idea, but does having that plan keep you from veering off course when you should. Now I am just rambling. The point is, I guess, that when it is time for me to do something else, I hope I have the courage to do it.
My AVID class has been talking about their lifes path latley. Where we are headed, and if there is a path that we have to follow. We have been watching video interviews from people that have taken these amazing paths is life. They had no fear and did what made them happy. So far, I have done that, but what will I do when this path does not make me happy anymore. Truthfully, I am not sure that I would do anything. Changing a carreer seems like such a scary thing. I mean we have a mortgage, we need steady income, what else would I do. I am not saying that teaching doesn't make me happy anymore, but on those really demanding days I feel like at some point it won't be what I want to do anymore. What then? I mean, ideally, my next job would be Mom but I can't wait forever for that to happen. What then?
We talked about having a life plan, and I think that it is a good idea, but does having that plan keep you from veering off course when you should. Now I am just rambling. The point is, I guess, that when it is time for me to do something else, I hope I have the courage to do it.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Dear Blog...
...I am still alive...barely. I am not sure if anyone really even reads this, but if you do, I am alive. I have been so busy lately with work and school and life that I pretty much do nothing else. Latley I got a little break to celebrate three years of Wedded bliss with my hubby. We went to Monterey for the weekend, ate, saw sea lions and jellies, and went sailing. It was a great time, but now back to reality. I would like to chat longer but back to grading.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Home Sweet Home
Almost exactly a year ago we were moving what little we had into our very first home. I remember when we got the keys and our family and friends met us here. We sat on the floor, because not a piece of furniture existed yet and toasted with champagne! I love our home and in just a year we have already had so much happen to us here. Birthday parties, dinners, happy times and sad, it is warm and loving and I am so glad we are where we are. If I wasn't going crazy from all of my school work I would put up some pretty before and after pictures but alas, I have some free moments so I need to hit the books.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
MY SISTER'S GETTING MARRIED!!!!! (The other one)
I have two beautiful sister's and my youngest sister has been engaged for almost a year. We had a wonderful day this past Saturday shopping for her wedding dress. It was so much fun, and pretty painless. Everything looked good on her and she found the most beautiful dress, and she got it at the same place I bought mine. While we shopped and went to lunch and oooed and ahhhed over the pretty dresses my other sister fantasized about the day she would shop for her dress. Well she won't have to wait very long!!!!! Her wonderful boyfriend proposed on Monday!!! The ring is gorgeous, they are gorgeous, and I could not be more excited for them! I guess I get to help plan two weddings :)
Whit, me, and Keely

Whit, me, and Keely
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Why did I do that?
8 people were late in my 6th period class today and rather than handleing it in a professional manner I flipped out. I don't know why I did that. Probably because it has only been a week and they have continued to test me, and be disrespecful. Whatever the reason, there were so many better ways to handle myself, and I chose the worst. I feel embarrased.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Living in the Nard, Oxnard that is
I love living here and even though i live in a place unknown by some and looked down upon by others, I will always love my beaches, my local hole in the wall restaurants and being only (at the most) 15 minutes from so many friends and family. Since we are only an hour from LA we get the occasional celebrity sighting as well. I have sat by Gavin and Gwen at Mrs. Olsen's eating breakfast, and last night Jack Black walked by after a long day filming.
They are filming Gulliver's Travels at the harbor, and while Chris, my parent's and I were trying to get to a restaurant for dinner through the crew and trailers, there he was. I have to admit I am not the biggest of fans ( I liked The Holiday) but it was pretty eventful for a Wednesday night.
They are filming Gulliver's Travels at the harbor, and while Chris, my parent's and I were trying to get to a restaurant for dinner through the crew and trailers, there he was. I have to admit I am not the biggest of fans ( I liked The Holiday) but it was pretty eventful for a Wednesday night.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
First day: Surprisingly Sweet
Yesterday was a long day!!! I can not stress that enough. I woke up at 5 a.m. was out the door at 6. I spent a whirlwind day with all of my new darlings, 173 to be exact, and then rushed from school (work) to school (masters program). That fun ended at 9:15 pm. As I pulled into the driveway after being gone for over 15 hours, I slinked out of the car and barely made it to the front door. When I didn't think I could make it any further before passing out, I was greeted with a sweet surprise. Chris was waiting with flowers and homemade brownies. Since we didn't get to eat dinner together he wanted us to at least have dessert. It was so sweet, and might I say, super delicious. We talked about our days, and laughed at his new uniform (I wish I took a picture of him in this silly hat), and the tired feeling just went away. It was such a great end to the day.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
In 12 hours...
... I will be leaving my house. Yes the plan is to leave at 6:15 tomorrow morning so I am awake and ready for the first day of school. This means that my lovely alarm will start its buzzing at 5 am. I will undoubtedly beat it up a few times before surrendering.
I must say, that for the day before school starts, I am surprisingly zen. There is just no point in worrying. In 13 hours those darlings will enter my classroom whether I stress tonight or not. I have to say, that this is probably the most excited I have been to start school in awhile. I like my schedule, I can't wait to see my students, and I feel like I know what I am doing.
Now this is most surprising, because this year will be such a year of firsts. The first huge and not exciting first is that for the first time I will be welcoming 38 students into my first period class tomorrow morning. 38!!!! That is a lot of 15 and 16 year old bodies.
But I am ready, and I am excited to do what I love and what I am good at. Let the games begin :)
I must say, that for the day before school starts, I am surprisingly zen. There is just no point in worrying. In 13 hours those darlings will enter my classroom whether I stress tonight or not. I have to say, that this is probably the most excited I have been to start school in awhile. I like my schedule, I can't wait to see my students, and I feel like I know what I am doing.
Now this is most surprising, because this year will be such a year of firsts. The first huge and not exciting first is that for the first time I will be welcoming 38 students into my first period class tomorrow morning. 38!!!! That is a lot of 15 and 16 year old bodies.
But I am ready, and I am excited to do what I love and what I am good at. Let the games begin :)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Last summer projects
In four days I will be part of the work force again, so besides enjoying the morning walks with my puppies, sleeping in, and getting to lay on the beach on a Wednesday afternoon, I have been trying to finish up some projects around the house. Last Tuesday Kate and Zach came to visit, and she helped me work on my tufted upholstered headboard for the guest bedroom. I wanted to make it in dark brown and I found some really nice brown corduroy on sale. I had seen some tutorials online and thought that it looked fun and pretty easy. It proved to be both. I really liked the way it turned out and it was cheaper than any headboard I had found previously.

The hardest part was getting the buttons on and mounting the entire board to the wall.
Chris helped and we got it mounted in no time.

We have an old dresser that is next on the list of projects. I am going to try to spruce it up with some paint and new hardware. Hopefully I can get it done before the stress and craziness of work begins!
The wood and fabric
just fold it over and staple (staple guns are such a fun tool!)
The hardest part was getting the buttons on and mounting the entire board to the wall.
Chris helped and we got it mounted in no time.
We have an old dresser that is next on the list of projects. I am going to try to spruce it up with some paint and new hardware. Hopefully I can get it done before the stress and craziness of work begins!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
and then the panic sets in
Lately I feel like everything baby has been surrounding me. I see people in the park with their kids, notice every pregnant woman passing me in the store, and hear and see all of the beautiful baby updates from my friends. Most of the time it is wonderful and enjoyable and happy and energizing, but then the panic sets in. It is like a deep aching hole in my gut and then I begin to be surrounded by a swirl of heart renching questions.
What if I never have that?
How long will this take?
Will I ever be able to carry my own child to term?
Will I be able to become pregnant again?
I guess the panic has begun to attack me a little more lately because we are again trying to conceive and it doesn't seem to be working this time. The first two pregnancies happened right away, and now I feel like my life has been consumed with dates and scheduling, to try to figure out when I am able to conceive. It is exhausting, and not in the least bit romantic :) Some days are fine, but lately I have been consumed with this fear and panic, and I just can't seem to make it go away.
What if I never have that?
How long will this take?
Will I ever be able to carry my own child to term?
Will I be able to become pregnant again?
I guess the panic has begun to attack me a little more lately because we are again trying to conceive and it doesn't seem to be working this time. The first two pregnancies happened right away, and now I feel like my life has been consumed with dates and scheduling, to try to figure out when I am able to conceive. It is exhausting, and not in the least bit romantic :) Some days are fine, but lately I have been consumed with this fear and panic, and I just can't seem to make it go away.
it's official..
Monday, August 17, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
It's here!
Time Traveler's Wife is out today and I can't wait to see it! I read the book a few years ago and recently re read it. I love it and I hope the movie does not disappoint.
Update: I liked it!
Update: I liked it!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
People were getting busy in November
One day I played a game and I tried to think of a person I knew with a birthday on every day in August. Example: 10th Grandma, 11th Kim, 12th Dad, 13th Kate. There were very few days that I could not think of one. I know so many special people born in this month, and three more little ones are on there way. One of my friends is in labor right now, i think. So Happy Birthday....
I am so lucky to know my grandparents now, as an adult. As a child they are your grandparents, and they spoil you and love you. Now as an adult, I have been able to get to know her in a whole new way. Happy Birthday!
...Kate and Joanna
My girls!!!! We all went to UCLA, met in England during a summer abroad program six years ago and became fast friends. I live about an hour away from them, but when august hits I know that we will all make time to see one another and celebrate. Love you, Happy Birthday.
...and Daddy

I am definitely a daddy's girl! We are so much alike, and just get each other. My dad has been surrounded by women his entire life (he had three sister, no brothers, and then 3 daughters). I think I may have been the most like a son for him. I am not manly or anything :) just into sports, and doing things with him. I admire his strength, warmth and love, and look to him for so much in my life. I cherish our relationship, and appreciate the strong relationship he has developed with my husband as well. Happy Birthday Dad!
There are so many more on my list, and so to all of you Happy Birthday.

...Kate and Joanna

...and Daddy

I am definitely a daddy's girl! We are so much alike, and just get each other. My dad has been surrounded by women his entire life (he had three sister, no brothers, and then 3 daughters). I think I may have been the most like a son for him. I am not manly or anything :) just into sports, and doing things with him. I admire his strength, warmth and love, and look to him for so much in my life. I cherish our relationship, and appreciate the strong relationship he has developed with my husband as well. Happy Birthday Dad!
There are so many more on my list, and so to all of you Happy Birthday.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Guestroom on the brain
This week I am working on our guest bedroom. Once I start a room I get a little obsessed and want to get things done right away. This causes a few problems. Sometime I can not find the things that i want, and that gets frustrating, and most of the time I do not have the money for the things that I want, which is always frustrating, and the one thing that slows me down. The paint is done, and we have some furniture, but I am still in need of:
- an upholstered headboard
- bedside table
- pillows! I love these paper cloud pillows, but $82.00 for a pillow. I'm too cheap for that.
- some artwork (we actually need this everywhere in the house)

I like this one by Susan Dennis ( found her on Etsy)

And this one by Amy Giacomelli (also on etsy)

I like dandelions
And this one by Casey O'Connell (I have a chance to win this one. please, please, please)

- finish the desk- darker finish and some new hardware (thanks again Kate)
Friday, July 31, 2009
I miss you
Today is my grandmother's birthday and was the due date for my second pregnancy. Thinking about both of them leaves me feeling a little broken today.
I miss you grandma and baby. I hope you are together somewhere.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
1000 awesome things
I am never really on the cutting edge of anything, so my guess would be that most of you have already seen this, but one of the blogs that I look forward to reading everyday is 1000 awesome things. It is simply a countdown of 1,000 awesome things. This blog just makes me happy.
Here are a few of my favorites:
http://1000awesomethings.com/2009/05/25/759-dropping-a-glass-and-then-sticking-your-foot-out-so-it-hits-your-foot-and-doesnt-break-on-the-ground/ Chris loves this one! "Kick save"
There are so many good ones! Which are your favorites?
Here are a few of my favorites:
http://1000awesomethings.com/2009/05/25/759-dropping-a-glass-and-then-sticking-your-foot-out-so-it-hits-your-foot-and-doesnt-break-on-the-ground/ Chris loves this one! "Kick save"
There are so many good ones! Which are your favorites?
5 days...suck it up
Tonight is night three without the hubby. He went on a fishing trip with my dad and cousins. While I love that Chris and my dad are two peas in a pod, and Chris is truley the son my dad never had, I miss my love! It is only five days but I miss dinners together, hearing all of his work stories that I don't really understand because of his technical jargon, and snuggles before bed. Two more days to go. I'm such a wimp :)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
A little piece of Greece in Cali
Two summers ago Chris and I went to Greece and we fell in love with it. The beaches, weather, food, music, dancing, and people were all just amazing, and we could see ourselves staying there forever. One night we were in a restaraunt surrounded by local greek people, eating wonderful food and listening to live music. All of the sudden the band began to play a traditional greek song and the diners just threw down their forks and got up to dance. They just stopped eating their lamb and baklava and began to dance with one another. It was right there that i decided this place was amazing. Any place where you can stop what you are doing and start dancing and celebrating with strangers in public, was a place that I liked to be. It was so festive, and fun. No dance floor, just good people and tradition. A wonderful place to be.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tuesday Blues
I had such a great long weekend this week which made today so hard. Friday, Chris and I had a nice long dinner with friends and margaritas! Saturday we went to two birthday parties and they were so much fun. The first one was at the beach so we got some awesome sun time, and both were filled with wonderful people. On sunday we spent a great day with Kate, Tim and Baby Zach. It was such a nice visit, and it is amazing to see the changes in Zach. Kate also gave us their extra bed so now I get to start putting out guest bedroom together. And if that wasn;t enough excitment, we got to go to the dodger game with Whit and Joe yesterday. I am so thankful that I have such wonderful people in my life to spend time with. It was a great weekend.
Sorry, my camera was missing in action this weekend. oops
Sorry, my camera was missing in action this weekend. oops
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Summer School: What was I thinking?
Right now I am sitting in my summer school classroom while a male student is glaring at me. I think he is contemplating ways to kill me because I took his phone away from him. He is challenging me in some way. He will not look away and although it is slightly intimidating I choose to not engage in this staring contest. Money is evil. It is the only reason that I have chosen to subject myself to this for three weeks. The hours are good, the money is nice, and it is only three weeks, but summer school is a different crowd, and I am beginng to wonder what I was thinking.
Monday, July 13, 2009
you made my night
On Saturday I spent most of my day and night doing something I did not want to do. I was one of the judges at the Mr. Moorpark pageant. I have this little problem; when people ask me to do something I can rarely say know. A lady that I work with puts on the Miss Moorpark Pageant and needed me to help with the Mr portion. So I spent a few hours evaluating male students on their speaking skills and the way they worked the stage in a tuxs. It was pretty wierd. On the way home I had to stop by the store to pick up some things for a bbq the next day. As I was walking down an aisle in my dress and hees ( not normal grocery store attire but I had to look nice at the pageant) a lady came down my aisle, tapped me on the shoulder and said, "I just wanted to tell you that you look really sexy." She said it in the sweetest, most non sexual way ever. It is not very often that a stranger tells you that you look sexy, and it is really not often that they can say it with out being creepy or offensive, but it wasn't. It was so sweet. There are times that I see people and think, "wow, what a cute dress" or "She/He looks so nice." I don't know the person, and I think that they will think I am weird. Well forget that. I am going to pay it forward, because that ladies comment in the grocery store made my night!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Projects, projects, projects
I have been on vacation but feel busier than ever. I really don't know how anything gets done during the school year. We have been working on a few projects around the house. The big thing that we tackled last week was building the patio cover. Okay, so I more supervised than built, but I did paint all of the wood. Chris and my dad did the building after work on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Doesn't it look great! While they were building that I spent the week painting the wood, finishing up on painting our master bedroom, looking for a couple more pieces of furniture for upstairs and adding some touches to our bedroom. It is still far from done, but I am working on it.

I made some silhouettes. I look like a 10 year old in mine :)

I found this piece at an antique store in Ventura and fell in love with it! That is all for now.
Doesn't it look great! While they were building that I spent the week painting the wood, finishing up on painting our master bedroom, looking for a couple more pieces of furniture for upstairs and adding some touches to our bedroom. It is still far from done, but I am working on it.
I found this piece at an antique store in Ventura and fell in love with it! That is all for now.
I never stop teaching
Yesterday my sister called me in a panic. She is taking a college algebra course, and it is kicking her but. Some people get math and others don't. I have always been someone that kind of gets it. I know, so weird. An English teacher that actually likes math. But it is true. I think I like and respect it for how different it is from literature. It is exciting and kind of refreshing to be looking for one right answer. Her course is online and as we did her homework (she did it, with some tutoring and coaching from me) we would cheer and give each other high fives when the screen displayed the word "Fantastic!" to let us know we achieved the correct answer. I know this sounds so dorky but four hours of Algebra homework on a Monday night was kind of fun. I know, sick! I think more than anything I was proud that she was understanding the material because of me. Every time she said. "Ok, now let me do it on my own", and she did it and came to the correct answer, I felt such a sense of pride. Teaching really is so rewarding. I may be on vacation but the teacher never dies :)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Pompeys v. Nature Part 2: Mountain Biking
Wow! This was something we were not prepared for. On our first full day in Tahoe we wanted to take a bike ride around the lake. I was looking for a nice flat paved path and somehow we found the exact opposite. A lady at an information desk told us we should try the Flume trail. She said that it was super easy, downhill the entire way, and gave the best and most beautiful views of Lake Tahoe. Sign me up! When we got there we found something much different. It was a 15 mile ride, the first four miles up hill, the trails were narrow and rocky, and it was just so hard! We were at 7,500 ft elevation and that 4 mile climb was brutal. Although I felt like I was going to die, the downhill ride was worth it. It was such a beautiful ride and view! I must admit that I wanted to give up a couple of times, but my wonderful husband kept pushing me to continue, and we did it together. It was an amazing experience that I won't soon want to repeat. I do not know how those mountain bikers do it! Here are some picture from the ride.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
These are my students!!!!!!
Moorpark High School, where I work, has an amazing Academic Decathlon team. This competition is like an Olympics of the mind, and our always changing team never wavers on one thing, their determination and drive to be the best. These students, and their amazing coach, spend hours upon hours, studying given material, writing and practicing speeches, and working with one another to be the best. This dedication has won them their fifth National Championship in 10 years! This year one of the perks of being National Champions was meeting OBAMA!!!!!! They met Obama!

That is my Marlena in the blue shirt right by his side. And I had Sol and Scott, that are all the way to the right in the picture. It was so amazing for me to see this picture! They are truly extraordinary!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Dinner is getting boring
I cook dinner almost every night. It is something I really like to do, and now that I have the time I want to try to do some new things. I have about 10 go to recipes and dinner is getting a little boring! Last night I tried a new garlic lemon chicken recipe from Bobby Flay and it was great. If anyone has some good, relatively cheap to make, healthy recipes, lay 'em on me!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Pompey's v. Nature Part 1: Whitewater Rafting
Chris and I have been away for a few days on quite an outdoor adventure! We drove up to the American River near Sacramento and started our Adventure with Whitewater Rafting! We stayed in an adorable cabin right on the river (thanks Jo and Tim), and the next morning woke up pretty early to raft. I was so scared before we got on the river, but it ended up being so amazing. We rafted the middle fork which had level four rapids. We rafted an 18 mile stretch of the river and were out there for 6 hours. We had never done this before, but why start small? It was a big adventure and a great way to start our trip before wee headed to Lake Tahoe. A professional photography company took some pictures of us on one of the biggest rapids. Take a look below!

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sunday-Stress day
During the school year, Sunday is anything but relaxing. It is usually the day that I get back to work. I grade, and think about the upcoming week's lessons. Even if I decide to do something non school related, my mind is usually preoccupied with school related things. That is how my Sundays usually go, but not today. Today I slept in, did a little cleaning, took the puppies for a walk, had a bbq with friends, watched the Laker game, and celebrated their win with some drinks, and i didn't think about school one bit. It is amazing how light and relaxed I feel. That feeling never occurs during the school year becasue I am in costant work mode. What a great day it was! And tomorrow, hanging out with Kate and Zach, I can't wait!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
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