I can't believe it is December. This month always puts me in a weird mood. It is a combination of wonderful seasonal cheer and annoyance. I love to decorate the tree, listen to the music, walk through the neighborhood to look at the lights, and snuggle up to watch a good holiday movie, but get me in a mall and I turn into a different person! I was at the mall for about thirty minutes on Sunday and I became agitated and bitter, the opposite of what I wanted to feel as I walked past Santa. I can not be frazzled over presents this year. I do not want to be cursing the crowds as I search for a loved ones gift. Instead I think I will curl up on the couch, light the tree, and turn on a good movie.
Speaking of good movies, Whitney just bought me
Holiday Inn on DVD. It is my favorite Christmas Movie, but has always been overshadowed by the movie White Christmas (boo). A few years ago I searched for the movie but could only find one old VHS at a video store and since it had never been rented they sold it too me. But now it is on DVD. If you haven't seen it, watch it. Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire, singing and dancing...I love it!

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