I love Halloween! Growing up we had many Halloween traditions. The pumpkin patch was a must, where we would take a hayride and find the perfect pumpkin. My dad is a wonderful pumpkin carver and he would transform our pumpkin into whatever we could dream up. Halloween night my mom would make sloppy joe's and tater tots. We would trick-or-treat with my cousins and then come back to my house for the popular candy trade while the Rocky Horror Picture Show on VH1 played in the background. I would always try to trade my tootsie rolls for something better. I miss that tradition, and can not wait to start some of my own. Last night Chris and I carved pumpkins together for the first time. Can you believe I had never carved a pumpkin before? Mine is the cat :)

Tonight we will pass out candy in our new neighborhood and I am so excited to see all of the little witches, pumpkins, hanna montana's, and whatever else is popular nowadays come to the door with smiles on their faces. It is hard to describe how I feel on Halloween, but I was reading an article and I think the author said it best,
"But as the four of us gathered on the front lawn to gaze at the now-illuminated pumpkins, it occurred to me that as long as you still get a charge out of carving up a freakish member of the squash family, the clock has not yet struck midnight, you can still mistake a pumpkin for a carriage, and it's not yet time for you to grow up."I don't think I will ever be to old to let go and have fun on this day. I'm off to prepare for trick or treaters.

one of my crazy classes today

I set the mood with some scary music and creepy lighting.
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