Hello friends. I created this blog for various reasons, but I think the biggest is reflected in the title. I wanted to have a moment of peace everyday (hopefully) to reflect and share. I feel like time has past so quickly this year, and lately I have just wanted to slow down. It has been a busy and crazy year for Chris and I, and I am so thankful for the things that we have experienced, good and bad. We bought a house, which is amazing and scary at the same time. I just don't feel grown up enough to own a house, and to deal with all of the responsibilities that go with it sometimes. I still find myself calling my parents everyday asking questions about everything. "Something is leaking, what do I do?" I go to them for so much, which is amazing, but I feel like it is really time now to be a REAL grown up :) We also started a family this year. Our two boys are named Dodger and Charlie (dogs pictured below). I grew up always having dogs but I never experienced the type of bond with those dogs, as I do with the ones I own now. I used to laugh at all of the ridiculous people talking to their pooches, buying them clothes, and carrying them everywhere. That was until a couple of weeks ago when I saw a women pushing her dog around in a doggie stroller. Instead of laughing, I turned to my sister and said "I should get a blue one for the boys." So silly, but they have become a huge part of my family!
As I was saying though, time has passed quickly, and more and more, I want it to slow down. I want to enjoy what is happening now, and not be in such a rush to get all of the other things I want in life. I guess if it is going to pass so quickly, I can at least record it here so I can remember.