So I have always heard that having a baby, working full time, and trying to have a life is hard, and before baby days I would have acknowledged that I could imagine how hard it would be, but I never thought it would be this tough. I am having a lot of fun but currently I am working full time, I am in a Master's program, and every spare minute I have I want to spend with my wonderful boys. It definitely make for a full and busy life. I wish I could keep up with this blog, but currently I do not know how that is going to be possible. So, a quick update.
is 5 1/2 months old
sitting up like a big boy!!!!!
is in love with our dogs. When they are around he can not help but laughis eating food! peas, carrots, pears, bananas, sweet potatoes. He doesn't seem to like anything but bananas at this point
is making so many funny noises
is wearing 9-12 month clothes!
is rolling and scooting all over the place
And is the must wonderful person I know!!!
Chris and I are having so much fun, and are hoping to take a little family get away soon. We need it!!!