Wednesday, July 28, 2010
No more pictures!
Christopher has been smiling like a maniac and has been giving the most heart-melting coos and giggles, but I have not been able to share this with anyone because...he is afraid of the camera! It all started a couple of weeks ago. Up until that point, he was oblivious when the camera came out. He would go about his cute business while I shot away. But now every time I try to capture a picture or a video of him he stops dead in his tracks as soon as he sees it. I have even tried to hide the camera, make him laugh, and then pull it up really quick to take the picture but this is all I get:
Still adorable, but doesn't he look scared :)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Apparently he is a beast!
Christopher had his two month appointment and apparently he is a beast. He weighed in at a whopping 15 lbs 3 oz and measured 25 1/4 inches. He is above the 95th percentile in both categories. I know he is a big kid, but I did not realize how big until I took him to a Mommy and Me class at the hospital the next day. I didn't have any other babies his age to compare him to, so to me he was just normal, but when we put him next to the other kids in class it was very clear that he is a BIG BOY! He is the same weight and height as two 5 month olds in the class! He is also quite the ladies man. One of the five month olds is the cutest little girl and he could not take his eyes off of her. He was smiling and trying to roll over her way. Too cute! I guess he is not intimidated by an older woman :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Just like daddy
It is crazy to see how much Christopher is like his daddy. Even at two months, it is apparent that they are two peas in a pod. For example
- they have the same name (not really a personality characteristic)
- They are both a Taurus (Christopher 5/10/10, Daddy 5/18/81)
- They were exactly the same size when they were born! 8 lbs, 10 oz and 21 inches long
- They both fart a lot :)
- They are both chill! They are easygoing, smiling, friendly guys that never really make a fuss about anything.
- They are both extremely cute ;)
- And they both have a swirl of hair in the same place on their head!

Monday, July 19, 2010
Beach Baby
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Summer is finally here!!!
It has been really gloomy where I live lately. We live close to the beach, and every morning I was waking up to find it foggy and misty outside. That is no July weather. But the sun is out, the weather is gorgeous, and we are taking advantage of it. Yesterday we took a walk with Auntie Whitney by the water and then went to the park. It was a great way to enjoy the sun that we have been desperately waiting for.
Christopher got to finally break out the summer gear as well.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
On the Forth of July we drove to Santa Barbara to hang out with my friend Kate and her family. The sun came out, which was amazing (it has been really gloomy here lately) and our precious boys got to see each other. They are almost exactly a year apart. Here is them posing for our little photo shoot. It was so funny. Every time Zach was on the chair Christopher would get fussy, and then as soon as Zach would get down Christopher would be as happy as can be. I guess he likes to share as much as his momma does :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Look what I can do
He actually did this for the first time a couple of weeks ago, but we were able to catch it on video the other morning. So amazing how this simple little action makes me so excited :)
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